Friday, April 22, 2011
Let's Celebrate Earth Day
I think if I could chose to be a creature, I'd go with a penguin.
Specifically the dude in the
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Play a Love Game
We play the game: too hot too cold
If you were in real estate, you’d have me sold
This ON again OFF again feelin is the only steady thing I know
It’s the UP and DOWN that hinders me to grow
But I don’t want to get off this ride
I’m the only one who I want to run from and hide
My demons got me locked down
Imprisoning me inside this merry go round
Tryin to break free from the hold
Tryin to find a middle between hot and cold
It’s not you, it’s me I say
Sound like a broken record to this day
So when will I stop, stop, stop
I’m still lookin at my clock: tick tock
Saturday, April 16, 2011
cr8 tiv recs
I love Recs
Take out my specs
Get a better sight
So cute and bright
Strap em on my feet
Lookin fresh n sweet
I rock em day
I rock em night
Any way
they just look tight!

Monday, April 11, 2011
Sick of writing. Sick of lying. Tired of trying. Please stop crying. Deep inside. I hide my pride. Brain is fried. Life has died. Void still steep. Tears I weep. Richness grows cheap. Pain scars deep.
Sometimes Say Never. 7 Aint Always Lucky.
Today I was informed by a seven year old that he would be taking a picture of my buttox region. Now, in terms of appropriateness, that comment proves to be anything but endearing. Mainly because I would have liked being asked politely if I would like a photo of my glutes, rather than instructed abrasively of my butt fate. Gosh, seven year olds these days. And let's be honest here: if you're seven, take a picture of my shin, take a picture of my left elbow, perhaps even my pectorals, but please at all cost, avoid the zoom button when shooting your lens at my ass. Contrary to another seven year old Bieb's mentality, I regretfully must say "NEVER" in regards to my cheeks enduring camera capture merely for a child's photography experiment.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The next one is always better than the last doubt
So when does it end?
Will my straight puzzle bend?
Feel like I'm winding down a road with no cross
I look left and right and feel lost
I see no signs
It just winds and winds and winds
Accelerate when it feels wrong
Stop when it feels right
Where do I go to belong?
I look up and think of flight
My feet hold me down
My chin falls toward ground
My body melts with lethargy
Heart throbs, compressed with melancholy
It's all in my head
I make love dead
I see love red
It bleeds as I tread
Drowning in my lack of secure
Tainting the love that could be pure
No breath to escape the fear
I kill love to find the cure
Alive within my soul
My mind my sole
Exists alone in light
I'm lifted into right
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Hockin Loogies
“You’ve gotta dig deep! See watch me, Beth.” My brother demonstrated the art of loogie hocking as he inhaled his mucus, creating some sort of sickening noise that resonated from his nose. After accumulating the correct amount of slimy material, he aimed his mouth at an invisible target in the grass and forcefully enough, his salivic matter spewed out of his throat with precision and landed in a splattering puddle in the projected area of choice.
My loogies never amounted to much. Many attempts consisted of a clear, unsubstantial build up of spit, that would dribble slowly down my chin due to my loogie launching and forming inability. Never quite mastering the skill, I gave up early on and resorted to enthused bystander mode as my brother reveled in his art.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Earth and Heat Meet
“Mommy I’m soooo hot!”
I just imagine my daughter complaining
After just 20 minutes of play time outside
Her cheeks flushed, her energy waning
Temperature today:
101 degrees Fahrenheit and its only May!
What do I tell my precious baby doll who’s organs sizzle in this heat?
When her skin’s beat red by the sun’s rays, UVA UVB and body meet
What do I tell my porcelain skinned girl?
When she asks me if it was this hot when I was little in this world?
What do I tell her
When she asks me, “Mommy what is cancer?”
Test results back:
I lay in bed weak and wet with tears, broken like an egg that cracked
“But I covered her from head to toe in that white stuff we call block!!”
I yell through sobs with disbelief in pure and utter shock
I never could have thought playtime could be so harsh
Why my young sweet daughter?
I turn this question over and over in my head
As the air outside waits tauntingly getting hotter and hotter
Watching waiting willing-I wake up today
Worried wondering why-the sky looks so grey
Could it be more angry clouds? Condensed and cruel?
Carrying with them rain, the frenetic world’s fuel?
Ignorant Illusion I have!-That haze is not a cloud
Illuminated Intoxicated Inquiring-my realization is loud
If not a cloud than what is it? That hovering thing above?
Swirling mass of grayness that squeezes the sky, tightly like a glove?
Dark Dangerous Dread-is the answer that I have found
Damaging Dirty Daunting-they are gases created from the ground!
Leaking from cars, bikes, houses, surrounding our planet to suffocate.
We feed ourselves pollution, serving it on a daily plate.
Lingering Lurking Lasting-as an infinite circle in the sky
Literally Looping Life-enveloping humanity like a shoe tie
Yum how appetizing! Is it the main course?
This circular cluster of pollution which carries no remorse?
Everlasting Eerie Eternal-this cycle we created chugs along
Ending Everyone’s Ease-from Zimbabwe to Hong Kong
I’m not the only one who wakes up today
With the realization that our blue sky looks so grey
Watching Waiting Willing-we all open our eyes
Worried Wondering Why-as we hop into our rides-there’s no blue left in our skies
You’re Not Dreaming This Should Come As No Surprise!
Careless fingers clench the can filled with liquid to the top
After drinking down the tasty brown you stutter then you stop
Look left look right no garbage can in sight
Then you look down to the ground, no ones watching, right?
The drink you drank slips slowly out your hand
Pretending you don’t feel its weight as gravity pulls it to the land
* * *
Pit pit pat the sounds of life emerge
Crackle and a crack then out pops a bird
Helpless and wobbling with tilted equilibrium
She looks for her mother but bumps into aluminum
Her first sensation of life is not her mother’s breast
Glowing with inner warmth a body that’s feather dressed
Dead cold and flat instead the tot feels steal
Lifeless and artificial the manmade and bird congeal
She snuggles up to the tin can who like the Tin Man has no heart
No constant tone no beating drone just a coke purchased from Wal-Mart
Destined Blackness
Like a lost puppy, Stephen hobbled through the blackened damp night, the only sense of life being the drips of rain water streaking down his prickly cactus of a face and exploding in a splash near his tattered shoes. His grey eyes seemed stuck to the ground as he stared at nothingness and dragged his tired legs with him.
After another long day of work, Stephen’s mind continuously spun and reeled like the machine he had grown to know meticulously as a worker. The solitary voice within his head seemed to echo with a bleak hint as he thought to himself in the darkness.
“Oh wherest thy dear lady Rachael? Her golden smile twould bring my heart much needed happiness.”
Rachael was the one person who added a hint of sparkle to Stephen’s monotonous life. It was at night when the two could meet in the streets of Coketown and imagine their world free from suffocating smoke which leaked from the assembly of factories in which they worked. But it was not Rachael that night who Stephen would typically see and relish in their time spent, speaking of this fanciful fictional life.
With his head hunched over like a tired ogre, his eyes still glued to the floor below, a surge of unexpected pain rushed to the top of his balding grey haired head. His eyes bounced up immediately from the cold ground, looking up to pin point the culprit as if he could see clearly as day; but the black night prevented any chance for clear vision.
“Rachael…tis, tis thoust you?” he managed to squeeze out uncertainly, in hopes that the throbbing pain underneath his wiry hair was from blindly bumping into his lady admirer. But it was not the soft spoken Rachael who answered. Instead, a deep bellowing grunt sprang from the darkness.
“Rayyy-chuull?” the voice sounded out her name a little too slow Stephen thought. The dark voice continued, “Rayy-chuull? No I am not Ray-chull. My creator named me Frankenstein. What is your name?”
Stephen answered blindly unafraid, ”Oh thy name tis Stephen Blackpool, but thoust can call me Stephen.” He paused for a moment only to rub his rub his throbbing head, "Tis nice t’ meet you.”
Stephen’s sight was full of nothing but a blank slate of black, but the darkness allowed the two beings to exchange their soul's findings. Stephen was surprised to find out how similar Frankenstein was to him. Like Stephen, Frankenstein was stuck in a life which was created for him; he had no place to hide. He never knew who he was because so much of him was foreign interconnection. Both Stephen and Frankenstein were destined for darkness.
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