Monday, October 22, 2012

Jessica Biel Wedding Ring - Who Cares?

Boy meets girl. Boy likes girl. Boy proposes to girl and they live happily divorce?

Look, I'm not prophesying that Biel-Limber (let's see if that one catches on) will split their separate ways after they've just tied the knot, I'm simply scrutinizing by looking at the cold hard facts. After all, The Americans for Divorce Reform estimates that "Probably 40 or possibly even 50 percent of marriages will end in divorce if current trends continue."

For divorce rates sake, let's hope they don't follow the trends of their previous relationship statuses and instead try to stay "in sync."

Check out this crappy picture of the blurred promise they've made:

Splash News

Butt Hurt Single Girl

Monday, October 15, 2012

What Box Do You Put Jesus In?

But really...which one? There's so many to chose from in the depths of our minds. We've all got em- tall ones, teeny tiny ones, gaping wide ones. The boxes that mold our perception and our thoughts.

So, what box do you put Jesus in? This very question was recently asked by the pastor at Park Church last Sunday and slowly began creeping under my skin and tugging at my conscience. I realized that I have a ton of boxes, not just one.

Sometimes I put God in the "if you do this, then I'll do this" box.

  • "God, if you give me ______________, I'll resist temptation and walk in your word."
  • "God, if you take away ____________, I'll be sure to read scripture more."
  • "Lord if you just give me a different desire for ___________ I'll trust you more."

Another box that diminishes God's greatness and limits my own growth is one of the most threatening of all. It's the box that I have hidden under my bed. The one I don't acknowledge and shove into an invisible area for as long as I can stand. This box holds my ego. This box is full of my illusions I believe when I'm not in His word.

To categorize God in our own minds is dangerous and deceitful. God can not be compartmentalized according to our will or our plans. God is not something we can schedule in if we have time. If you're a believer in Christ and you pray to the Lord only when you "want" something to go your way, but don't know what it means to live your life following, pursuing, thirsting after His rich word, then you are living a life that is malnourished, driven by selfishness and fearless pride. I only say this from experience, not to scold or point my finger at those who know no better or haven't searched their hearts. Everything is according to God's will, but he also instills in us a personal desire for things. And if your will and desire constantly are being fed by the culture we live in and the people you surround yourself with, then I beckon you to ask yourself:

What box am I putting God in?