Buddy Heath & Bethany Michaels
of Cat Fence-In Books™ Publishing have partnered together to release their highly anticipated self-wellness book:

The book engages new ideas by offering quips and snips from their own experiences along with renowned fitness gurus, life coaches, and health connoisseurs around the globe.
Say goodbye to boring and aloha to a healthy new positive mindset (on a Hawaiian beach if you imagine!)
By offering easy to follow 30 second exercises, this short read is sure to ignite a fire in any fully committed participant.
Those who have read a preview of the book (close family and friends) have already seen results when applying the exercises to their life. In a recent review, Anthony DeLeon attests that when applying the Solution to a Problem Exercise he "woke up with a distinct answer. I asked to have a clear direction with an issue in my life and it really worked!"
With the release of 30 Seconds to Health Wealth and Happiness, Buddy and Bethany challenge readers to engage with an open mind and allow a new flow of positivity to transform their routine "blah" into renewed "awe."
Thanks to the Glipho community:

Roger Planes Rachel Montenstein Maria Nichol Kris Cannon
These writers will be featured in the book with their review of the 30 second exercise of their choice as a testimonial of its effectiveness.
These writers will be featured in the book with their review of the 30 second exercise of their choice as a testimonial of its effectiveness.
*Watch for the release date, scheduled to hit ebook shelves in the end of November.*
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