Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Save me a Seat in Heaven

Things make me happy.
A new ring.
A sparkly nail polish set.
Candy scented lip gloss.
A clean car.
A decent career path.
Beautiful scenery. 

Things make me happy on the surface, but there's a gaping space that exists in all of us that yearns for more than name brand items and luxurious worldly treats. 

My soul. It needs more than a quick fix. Like a thirsty sponge, it shrivels into dry rubbish when it isn't fed with pure love.

Love. The only truth I've found that permeates all humanity is the love I've found in a God who is all too real to me. The God who saved me from myself. Who guarded my heart and protected my perpetual habits of sabotage and self hatred. 

Gratitude could never suffice. "Thankful" could never explain the heat the emanates from my new beating heart founded in God's grace.

No order of words or superfluous language could arrange a meaning so undeniably perfect to simulate God's goodness. 

So I stop writing. And am left to my thoughts, lifted up to my Savior. 

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